Friday, July 13, 2012

So today was to be a test of another long run, as this was week 4 in a build up and I knew I was tired. After last weeks tough mudder and 12 mile training run 2 days before that, this was to be 14. Since I also signed up for the Lake Hodges 50k in Oct, I thought I would run on the trails there.
Here is how it went..... or maybe its better to say how it didn't go.
Avg Pace
Summary    2:11:02.610:46
19:04.1 1.00 9:04
29:19.6 1.00 9:20
310:04.2 1.00 10:04
49:37.3 1.00 9:37
59:22.3 1.00 9:22
613:46.6 1.00 13:47
79:55.5 1.00 9:55
89:57.2 1.00 9:57
99:53.3 1.00 9:53
1012:07.6 1.00 12:08
1112:32.0 1.00 12:32
1213:22.8 1.00 13:23
132:00.2 0.17 11:50

Unfortunetly there was also tropical clouds and a ton of humidity. My truck showed the temp and it wasnt pretty at 103. I definetly over heated and ran out of fuel and fluid. Mile 6 was terrible and had no breeze in the valley I was in. I did the first 10 or so of the race course and trying to practice my trail running. So with a couple days to go in the week, here is where I am.

Week OfWeekMM ATT AWW ATHTH AFF ASatSat ASunSun ADistDist Act

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